Friday, September 24, 2010


American Bandstand
Every dull rock band starts at Dick Clark
Singing away with every old classic shark
Young some start with talent so fresh
Bringing new music replacing the old flesh
Common grounds for a hit is play from your heart
Don’t always think that you will always start

American made
supporting United States of America
what can one say
not fortunate to be first in
the economical car
labors cheaper therefore the
products affordable
hours can be long out of the
U.S. because unnecessary bull
no serving other people in the U.S. its
just a few men with money
jobs competitive elsewhere so work
for cheap because millions now
here, here in the U.S. following the
dream of dead end street
lucky to get a job if it
isn’t in the black market
get the most for the cheapest
buck and feel like royalty
where’d this go wrong of jobs,
economic nightmares and lies

I lay in the sea of every country’s flag
Colors among colors stripes among stripes
Which one was first as I throw and snag
How many are burned because of ill toned gripes
I think of the Olympics and how they represent
Gold, silver, bronze- three surely will display
Where they all traveled and where they went
Loyal to their country some sing their anthem to stay
I’m also reminded of red, white and blue doors
Right next to China’s and Canada’s pride
Throughout all the boundaries and along the shores
Borders open justly with arms opened wide

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