Friday, September 24, 2010


With Passion
When I cry
I cry passionately
When I laugh
I laugh passionately
When I hug
I hug passionately
When I fight
I fight passionately
When I eat
I eat passionately
When I write
I write passionately
When I clean
I clean passionately
When I forgive
I forgive passionately
When I share
I share passionately
When I live
I live passionately
When I die
I’ll die with passion

Jenna is the nicest girl
she sings, dances and can even twirl
wakes up early to the morning shine
thinking of her life, always feeling fine
to the many out there who know her well
always knows she brings chime to a bell
so thank her for being such a cool friend
doing anything 4 anyone, backwards she will bend

Yearning to Live
Escaping myself I run to anyone
Needing a relapse of inescapable fun
Drive far south to a glacier on hand
Wandering me from earth finally I’m banned
Drifting like a raft I happily go
No where for me I never wanted a show

Yes I’m all here
I spit out yes’s and bark out no’s
My mind wanders off and no one knows
I accumulate so much and take out so little
I’m not left or right but mostly in the middle
I’ll be last to laugh because I learn really slow
Others ask often, “does she really know?”
I do know the difference between wrong and right
I’ll try really hard and even put up a good fight
To prove I’m not mental or quack-ly insane
But someone who’s forgetful with much more to gain
So next time we talk just know I’m on this earth
I’ll expand my mind more and give it all my worth

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