Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Middle Age
You feel old around your children and
their friends
You engage in the day with wonder of
tomorrows dust
You no longer consider age around your
new “old” friends
Doctors are becoming friends because
they’re around more
You notice how others handle their age
with grace or no grace
Life is either questions or even more
line of answers
Too old to be young and too young to
be old on several levels
Out of nowhere comes this aching pain
of wanting more time
Before more aches, cracks, wrinkles and
smells of age creep up

Old Age
I don’t eat great to live to be
seventy barely getting around
I don’t save money for when I
retire because I’ll be home bodied then
I don’t listen to music quietly
so I can hear the world better
Behind a cloud of secrets I never
wanted a child- the world will die
I don’t want to hear about the
latest cures, I trust my doc
Want to hear the sick part
of my strange mentality twist
I brush & floss, shower, take my
one pill, pray and wake up everyday
Wanting to grow to a ripe old age
is brave but profoundly awkward

Two bicycling to the park with
no worry about the world
Five big ones between the two to
buy sodas and snacks
By noon to sundown they’ll ride
to freedoms center
They see every girl but they’re
still boring
Rocks in the river, spitting in the
wind and daring rides on their bikes
Home to dinner they do it
again tomorrow till Mondays’ hell

That tiny smell you hate so much
Creeps inside my rotten crutch
I moved on to way better things
where all the nurses have pretty wings
I go out and do more stuff
And even have my pillow fluffed

Desperate for a man you date a dinosaur
Still living with mom any incomes a score
School or work there are decisions to be made
Any high school old friends soon gradually fade
Seeking maturity you still think you’re seventeen
Approaching your thirties you just want to come clean
Then back to dating every new face says no love this time
These jobs are ridiculous so I committed a crime
Clubs are overcrowded with smoke clouding your thoughts
Same as my peers we dress alike when we get body shots
Cell phone, ipod, laptop, xbox- I need every tech device
My foundation for the future is twenties real nice

Under My Wrinkles
These are the lines of a thousand smiles
Millions of weather some walks equaling many miles
Lying on my side so my pillow sucks my face
Every new wrinkle and weird growth I carefully embrace
I also find pleasure in seeing wrinkles of the rest
Who no longer compete for the societal test
Every wrinkle brought memories to joyfully surface through
My story of age gives tells of the small selective few

I can not swear he’ll be mine for life
I might age fast and be a fat wife
Sometimes they get bored and find fresh meat
Someone prettier and freshly growing sweet
For right now, I’ll love him like fine chocolate
Traveling the universe in our passionate rocket
I’m no cover girl with looks like Monroe
And he isn’t Redford-- that delicious, nice beau
But in each other eyes, we’re finer than gold
Knowing what we have is something to hold
In my mind I know he’ll be mine forever
Away from him is something I could never endeavor

Young Again
being so old in this just getting
out of their teens club is
embarrassing enough but to have
the nerve to go back again-
now that’s gutsy, I wanted
to feel young but it actually
made me feel out of place
and wanting to go live back
with my mom in her
retirement community so I’d
feel young again

Youth no more
I’m so tired of being on my own
I was always the master of my throne
Now I’m dirt shoved under the rug
Outcasted by society like I’m a thug
Old and ugly they ignore the me
Once the star but now trickling with pee
I’ve come to know that forever is past
I must move forward cuz time won’t last
I have to accept that age that I am
And not even care about living the glam
I live the life of being carefree and female
Mysterious I am and so much I can entail

Before I knew it
Grade school
Middle school
High school
Before I knew it I moved in with Kibbles
Our nursing home has cute riddles

Generation Gap
Yelling at grandma
One of her hearing aids are gone
Shopping with my daughter
These can not be for a teen!
Dinner with my new boyfriend
I ask for a corner- wait!- outside he’s old
Young, old- young, old
A generation gap can get old

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