Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Straight Ahead
When you see the world with a
Multitude of angles instead of
A narrow box you tend to
See more clearly with more clarity
Walking around with a box
Over my head with two small
Holes I’d only see what was straight ahead

Future You!
unsure of my past and even
the future I pretend that
everything is just fine
rationalizing what I can
work on and what life lessons
I took from every experience
I’m not going to always love
the 2000 calorie shake everyday
but I’ll blend one in here and there
I may have argued one too
many but walking away is
just as effective as nonsense
I may have conjured up a few
lies but the honest truth
speaks in volumes and measures
you’re not you’re past but the
rationalizing aura of a full
rainbow experiences in the future

Not literally
Your moms says you’ll be
An astronaut
Not literally but you felt you were the
A doctor
Not literally but you’ve healed with your
Laughter and kindness
An actor
Not literally but you move others with
Your multiple personalities
A model
Not literally but you inspire young girls
To be natural
Filthy rich
Not literally but the wealth you already
Have is in your loving generosity

I ridicule the past and forbid what’s to come
I envy right now and enjoy the great sum
I wake up to stretch and forget my bad dream
Showering with music and loads of hot steam
I blanket my day from repetitive mode
Slithering slowly on the open free road
Envied by all I focus through tunnels
If you’re not in my mood you’ll pass like funnels
Sporadically insane I get really intense
Mind going foreword and quickly immense
Realistically planning nothing at all
Who knows what I’ll do either big or small

When we search for ourselves we do so with a blindfold
Unveiling a lot of clues through smell, touch or listening to the untold
Dragging some misery, some need a neon light of their mood
Because others are dumbstruck like mushy ass food
Personal feelings you withhold to those bulb less lamp hyenas
For you are their prey spreading the tabloids of low scale pranksters
You never were locked as a federal prisoner of shocking disbelief
Sadly it seems so through your grudge of shattered torn leaf

Not right now we’ll talk after work
After dinner- I need my chocolate perk
Can this wait till tomorrow I’m really tired
Another day late then for sure I’m fired
Go right ahead while I butter my toast
Make it snappy the coffees on high roast
Lets continue this after school young man
Too much work to put food in our pan
Occupied to the rim I ignored you growing
Closing many doors that needed overflowing

Old me
Yesteryear I’d take your shit
Now the new me takes away your hit
I’d cry with sweets downed real fast
Esteem so low my melancholy would last
Back then I ached for a massage on my feet
Throbbing still today this is an undefeated meet
Someone you’re not I hope for new change
Underneath my value you go under my range

More distant you get more you die out from society
Going this route will never get you notoriety
Have more faith in words and speak a little louder
Stand tall, look good and walk like you’re prouder
Smile more often- it attracts a lot of attention
Tell all your interests- wouldn’t be bad to mention
Shower and wash your clothes to smell really nice
Anything you attempt will be a game of dice
Always remember that some people suck
Perfection is practiced- and not through luck

thoughts give messages- so powerful and true
books, poems or magazines- they can stick like glue
the thoughts that stick will move down to others
warming up many while they read under covers
struggling for words- many hours one could’ve fought
whatever it’ll be- it starts out with a thought
romance, drama or even comedy to heart
it brings out writers who have talent with extra tart
enlighten others with what you have read
over some coffee and homemade sweet bread

Quietly ashamed
You lost it
Completely lost it
You animal
We shall shame
for you
because you
blindly ask
of this world
that should be
asking everything
with not
only pride
but shame
as well

Reality check for myself
I laugh at thyself for being so gone
Its as if my earth has no days real fond
Ignoring my feelings and shut out others
I got to wake up and treat all like sisters & brothers
Treating myself like the icky dirty shoe grime
My body’s so hideous like wobbly slime
Why did I turn myself to this mysterious ghoul
Like a bigfoot so distant and with loads of drool
I will recapture that fame of carpet red
Not a minute I’ll waste on sleeping in my bed

That was not the person I knew years back
Your spirit went down from heroine or crack
And physical features were astonishingly pale
I hope one day you crawl out of this shell
Knowing this addiction, you barely looked me in the eye
My emotions run strong-- I don’t want u to die
My words of love can only inspire you to quit
I wish you the world and out of your pit
Don’t ever forget that you’re one cool bro
Stand tall and be proud-- you’re mean kickass Joe

I explore my strengths but react real slow
Who knows where I’ll head or how fast I’ll go
No one flavor can keep my many taste buds
There’s so much to sample- from cream to milk duds
I wander in thoughts and often just to myself
Always coming back in my brain closet shelf
I know what I enjoy and sponge it all well
So many possibilities that I often do dwell
I can’t really say where I’m going from here
It all depends how my reflexes do steer
Yesterday I’m president and today I’m a cop
Tomorrow I’ll be the queen of miss all day shop
I can tell you now that the worlds in my hands
Coming every way like spaghetti thin strands

So What
Give more than what you have
Share more than your first half
Run away from your fears in your lips
Stand on the drawer and shut rips
Talk to the mirror giving the flirts
Do it so much till it gives you squirts
Air up your head and shout to the no ones
Tear all your clothes with nasty cut runs
Lie to others so you can seem duller
It makes others sound real fuller
Throw a fish under your tummy
Half of your conscious says you’re a dummy
Sleep well now crunching your drool
A lion never roars just to sound cool

Sweet unlike any other
Natural to the bone we’re all
Genuinely sweet
Sweetness can be ruined
Adding tuna to rocky road
Keep your genuine sweetness
Stay away from drugs or alcohol

Teenage nun
Underneath my shell lies an unforeseen gem
Whacking to the layers becomes none of them
Admitting to independency passes a formula of wear
Ignoring my critics was recommendation of flare
More of my core bundles up in blanket quilts
Every smore of my past can weighten my guilts
This is no connection to my personality crust
Everything’s random along with gold dust
I flow on the bed making dreams of waves
Most of my consumption is little miss behaves

I have doubts in my own strengths
sometimes I do little or go to great lengths
my greatest achievement is not what I learned
but what I’ve been given and where I have turned
I’m very fortunate to have common sense
hatred and ignorance can get real intense
it’s very weird for those not all there
telling them shit is something i don’t dare
if by chance you come across this great poem
much wiser you’ll be like a knowledge of dome

Today my day
This isn’t about my childhood
It’s about today
This isn’t about my faults
It’s about today
This isn’t about my marriage
It’s about today
This isn’t about my history
It’s about today
This isn’t about my tomorrow
It’s about today
This isn’t about my future
It’s about today

I thought of us as one when we reached that star
Out proving anyone, truly we can go far
There was not one thing that could slow us down
Even if they tried, they were given a frown
So much we have done, not many can speak
Our triumph over everything has surpassed any peak
Although we don’t gain much in the sense of money
Greener are the parts we helped or all the bees and honey
Someday you’ll be thankful for all that we’ve done
So your family can barbecue or your children can run

Work it
An ass like that needs to be spanked
All in my hands and painfully yanked
Come here now and bow down to my demands
Lets work together on making sweat glands
Quit wasting time on each others rings
We’re long gone from church lets make bouncy springs
I want your head in my cleavage and pulling me forward
This is my palace and you can’t make me bored

whether you’re young or even feeling old
stand up to your true feelings- be confident and bold
understanding will build with time and age
constant ignorance only sets up your rage
being different lets you stand out real tall
beauty, uniqueness or weird never makes one feel small
do what your heart says and listen to your fate
answer your own questions but focus on those with more weight
right now is your future tomorrow is your end
ask yourself this- what message will i send?

don’t waste your talents cuz you’re a smart kid
you can come out of your jar just unsqueeze the lid
some waste their life deciding way too long
before they know it, they become weak and less strong
thinking over and over- I wish or should have done this
realizing they did little or how much they missed
take steps slowly and accomplish little by little
taking on the world could turn you indecisive and brittle
what is it you want- reach further than that
the key to success is right there- under the floor mat

Endless Mind
Shadows of nothing try to blow up my mind
Dogs can really tell who can fit up my kind
A slow trenching mistake can weary ones day
I seek another man who will be my victim of prey
And no one real nice can scare you like mice
Too much trust can lead to thin shades of ice
Preferring to pillows I dream, sleep and dance
There will be a guy who will give me a chance
A scarf on a neck can have many of shades
Mom always had my hair in long Indian braids
A voice so annoying can scream your inside
Most of the peoples brains disgustingly fried
Drugs I won’t touch and drugs I won’t even talk
What part of the brain indicates you to stalk
Why do we turn heads from sight of some hair
Sun so huge and important can give off a strange flare
I’m not into tomorrow but will soon head to be
There’s purpose for everything like the Battle of Wounded Kneee

Focus that energy on dancing stages of art
Focus that energy because you’re very damn smart
Focus that energy where others will listen
Focus that energy so that morons will kissen
Focus on something that has always gratified your mind
Focus on topics going further than third kind
Focus your origination of where you call home
Focus the health in your toothbrush, shower or comb
Focus your job to a new place of your own
Focus old mends that need to be sewn
Focus your children to be loved and to be fed
Focus your mind why you and your spouse were to wed
Focus your pleasures into routine and not chore
Focus out of mind and thank God you’re not a whore
Focus on yourself looking deep in your past
What have you done that keeps making you last?

Don’t take for granted what you have been given
You throw away everything as though you’re not livin’
A gift you’ve been born with so go do what you can
People will remember you- every woman every man
Maybe I’m exaggerating but I know you’ll touch lives
Being the queen bee of thousands of hives
If a wall blocks your way then just walk around
You’ll never know beyond and what's to be found
Good judgment towards everyone brightens your soul
Ridding of blackness that’s dark like black coal
Let me tell you this now and don’t you forget
I’m here for you always, there’s a reason why we met
I’ll guide you through your pains and wipe up your tears
Helping you with hardships or even your fears

Go learn
Your brain is like a
Rubber band
It needs to have that
Constant expand
Stretched too far you’ll
Break apart
Unused most of the time
Little does it chart

Good Guys Finish Last
I spit on the ones who think they know all
Belittling others and treating them like they are small
They are no better but only seen as the fool
A body only masks them with thick covered wool
No justice is done when given any great remarks
They got there with blindness and underneath sharks
I don’t care if I’m last because I’ll always be nice
My end result in the ranks is just games of dice
As a matter of fact I’ll not even compete at all
But let the overall make the final last call

I’m Not Helping
I can’t help you because it would just harm
I’m not going to hawk your stereo or your gold charm
Your drugs are useless you need to grow up
You fail every U.A. when you pee in that cup
Along with the alcohol it torments your mind
Little you attempt because you don’t want to find
There’s still hope for you as long as your can try
Quit living in a rut and start trying to deny
All is possible and things can be turned around
Just open your gates so yourself can be found
Play me no mind games for just a quick buck
No longer can you run on just pure luck

Ready for music, Ready for dance
Moving fastly with many in my own trance
Ready for scenery, Ready for driving
To the mountain lakes I come swimming and driving
Ready for warmth, Ready for church
My belief in a deity is my own special search
Ready for family, Ready for child
Long past due are my Saturdays of being real wild
Ready for adventures, Ready for world
By the fireplace I lay snuggled and curled
Ready for cleansing, Ready for love
Taking a long bath using my dove
Ready for happiness, Ready for life
Cutting delicious watermelons with my big knife

at times we try too hard or too less
often making mistakes, or a huge mess
noticing them now instead of putting them aside
puts some care in mind leaving nothing to hide
we all do it and often question our simple acts
leaving out material or hurdling around simple facts
next time be honest if you know you’ll cause shame
no one likes the bad person who always plays a game

If you only knew me
Some people say that you were gone
Your thoughts were cold and very dry
When you won that prize, I knew you won
Proved all wrong and no longer a lie
One smart cookie, shiny and bright
Stomped on the little ones...made them cry
Now you’re strong and put up a good fight
I’m glad you made that extra leap
For others to do what you have done
Its like swimming in the ocean…way too deep
Now go enjoy yourself and have some fun

It doesn’t matter
Wanting another to fall heads first is rather disgraceful
Finishing in last place is not always distasteful
Being competitive doesn’t mean steroids or cheating
It only compensates what you’ve been feeding
You lack in some areas feeding off like a maggot
Insecurities unfold when you’ve maimed a week faggot
You give no one a chance by judging too quick
Turning it all around making yourself as the prick
Behind the sharpness and flash smells only pity of shame
Forever alone is where you’ll be isolated in frame

If I could convince kids
the many benefits of love
itself I’m doing okay.
I go around speaking
greatly how the world is
better with kindness and love.
Its tough because of their
backgrounds, abuse, peer
pressures and self esteems.
They’re so confused so I
want to emphasize the doors
you can open, doors you keep
locked, doors with peep
holes and the broken doors.
Right now I want them to
open the doors to being a
friend, enjoying friends and
family, loving themselves and
then bolting the door to
hate, lies, unkindness
and disrespect.

We go through all levels to find who we are
Through imaginative daydreams reaching only afar
Sticking our neck out hoping this one will go
Underneath the layers lies a wreckage below
Splinters of torment eat at our soft voice
Abundantly ignored is our ten layered choice
We answer our own questions when no one responds
Gathering our decisions of how humans make bonds
We seek a world of truths but find only more questions
Many find others to go under their rules of suggestion
Here stands before you our heart to the ground
Listen real carefully and you’ll hear the fast pound
Lessons to leave
a bottle with a list of
things to do in the
middle of the ocean
does very little
prance your way about
great things
know your zipper is undone
you looked
keep going you foolish

Let go
The umbilical cord
was cut years go
Let go
You’re your own person
now without anyone else
Let go
The world doesn’t owe
you everything on a platter
Let go
That’s way back when
and a whole new you tomorrow
to look forward to
Let go
Grow up, be a child again,
be yourself, be all of you
Let go

Listen now
Listen now
Listen right now
It takes a second
to change your world
Just listen to your
heart and give up
all fears and hates
because listening
to loves door
means opening it
and closing the

Old and gray, she died real young
Her heart grew small like it was stung
Although still walking she could not see
Her thoughts grew faint and seemed dizzy
The shine of princess gone away
No longer able to be happy and gay
Except one day she found true love
It was her bright shiny dove
Although it did not last too long
On a track she sat...the train’s too strong

from this day foreword you will change your ways
you will climb that mt. and live many plays
scene one starts tomorrow but forever you’re the act
say goodbye to the boring cuz you’re moving and packed
this play in your life mixes action and drama
outline your 15 minutes and not a mere fraction
even blend in more romance or even some action
a spice of this and that will idolize your scene
making you big like the famous Norma Jean

Moving on
I moved far away but had little affect
I only ran and got things more wrecked
My sense of change was things to be better
Instead of drying the cloth it only got wetter
I shed my tears and adjust to the new
Not by drugs or old bottled brew
Instead being constructive and opening doors
Of what is all out there and walking new floors
Self pity no longer rids of my soul
Being happy and enriched is my true goal
I’ll start from fresh and take new routes
Looking up high and ending the droughts

I don’t believe that was
ever me
A masked villain who looked
like me but really was
never me
That impersonator did a lot
of damage while imitating
I can’t look at anybody the
same because they see
the old villain
Words come out but they
see lies from when I was
Only faith can administer in
to them that I’m new. I
took off my mask, I see
colors now.
I know the pain
they’ve felt and most of all
I hated the villain.
Yes, I’m new.

New You Forever
We shall not fall with every extra added pound
Only blind our images of what was first found
We make ourselves valid by our confidence fired
Lets not drain and escape or even get tired
Important to us is the existence of our brains
Not even the substance of everyone’s gains
Look at your meter you still have miles to go
Dump your negative influences and give one final blow
Believe me right now you’ll notice no sign of fear
Pick a feature you love when you stand in the mirror
You’ll look back at old you and escape the deep down hate
Welcoming perseverance with a new sound of fate
Never too late we won’t have any worries
So much more we will do and not have any worries

Next Mystery
In matters of moments ones lives can be changed
What we are dealt is hardly ever arranged
A chunk of our bread is shared with mankind
Throughout this one life half go wandering blind
Our ups and downs both demolish and enrich us
Wandering freely alone or with others on straight bus
Tomorrow is our destiny and yesterday our history
The next step, the next ride, the next meal is all mystery

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