Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Given my 22 plastic surgeries
The hair extensions, hair
Removed everywhere, teeth
Whitened, a cracker a day,
Make-up covering my moles,
Pot marks, acne or even my
Blemishes, the suited outfits,
The hairstylist that adds
Oomph to the photo
Honey, I can airbrush
My way to a great photo
Of course keeping it all
Natural- being myself and
Always genuine to myself as
Well. This airbrushed me is-
All me and completely normal.
Yes I’m still me. Shall we do more
Photos? More questions? Shall I
Change outfits? Change hair? More
Yes, I’m airbrushed- naturally
That is.

Perfection Denied
Why wasn’t I given all my teeth white
Any ability to sing, dance or write
A body so Greek I could fish lakes
Magnetize others with my sweet cakes
An esteem so high I envy my clone
Skin and hair fine I sign my own loan
Legs to the high or a humor of trust
Not even a waist or orchestrated bust
What have I done to have any perfection denied
To have many a night where I cried

When you’re feeling great you smile real grand
You’re on top of the world—water and sand
That real big smile takes you miles and miles
Everything wonderful always stacked in piles
People admire you’re aura of cheer
Sometimes thinking you had a six pack of beer
Knowing you’re pretty confident and cool
Makes you shine like gold and stay forever a jewel

Doubt in my love is only doubt in yourself true
There’s nothing innocent about who you once knew
That person before you had too much junk in the closet
Empty your bank of ugly with a new beauty deposit
You’re only valid if you’re valued with self worth my dear
Cross your heart and hope to spy- stick a horn right in your ear
Creatures of habit your habits were mistakenly gross
Now you stray with sheep encircling the past wrong dose

Change I can’t or won’t
Yeah big deal so I got some chub
I can still dance and not faint at some club
Or have my heart die while going for a walk
I can do everything, even put on my own sock
I can even do more and outsmart your dumbass
But since I’m a lady I’ll walk away with some class
I stayed too long and listened to wrongs of me
My own blindness was my only real plea
I don’t care if I’m not your damn dream girl size
Or your nice piece of ass that’s just a shame prize
From this day forward I no longer look down
But laugh at you all like you’re some stupid clown

Eternal Pose
Didn’t really know that the frame was forever in time
Each of these poses were even full visions of my youthful prime
Outfits have changed and the hair both spectacularly full and even rich
Nothing in those photos you’d ever really want to anxiously ditch
Frames of you seem a thousand times nastier and bigger
Mostly in your mind because your inner critic cries out sad trigger
You want to go back and tell her she’s beautifully cute and sweet
Even worth another photo or more meaningful meet
Plenty is enough with any eternal pose photo or even drew
Stories emit themselves with endless amount of sweet honeydew

I’m fat when I wake up
I’m fat when I go to bed
I’m fat in the middle of the day
but I’m especially fat
when I hide my sweets
and gorge in the back
room pretending to enjoy
grams and grams of delicious
fat that goes right to
my underarms and stomach
the fattest I feel though
is when my boyfriend tells
me I shouldn’t eat that
because I could feel every
inch of lard on me poison
my feelings of rainbow thoughts
as I write this I wish I had a
maple bar and chocolate
milk and my moms home made fudge

You’re more than the light that we all see
Way more glowing and fancily free
So many envy just for your sharp looks
Hoping they’re next to get the claw hooks
Can’t really say where the marvel comes from
Just close to you makes every mans heart drum
Glancing and staring- wishing for a quick taste
Away from the feeling of being such a big waste
The gorgeous have power over ugly and weak
Making our attempts seem pathetically down creek
Over and over all eyes glance your way
Down goes the heads who ignore your spray
Screaming for a mask most jump from their chair
Unbearing the pain that they’re not given a stair
Listen to me now and listen for forever
You’ve got to get moving by being more cleaver
That workout on the couch is nothing but remote
Go grab some snacks and water to put in that tote
Your legs are bulging but not from muscle my dear
But thirty different ways your clothes are going to tear
You smell of funk you can’t even reach certain places
Every spot in the house you left full of traces
We’re going to jiggle that jelly down to the ground
Attacking every inch and every monstrocious pound
No more buffet everyday you got to cut down
Nutritionist I’ll be at first you will frown
Soon you’ll be healthy living more of life
By food and exercise- not some crazy ass knife

Juice man
As a shapeless tart he wanted some juice
Some muscles of steel like Schwarzenegger or Bruce
To turn his pretzel into a mighty fire tank
Was his question of will and how he wanted to rank
He’s thought for awhile that he wanted way more
To be a vein freak and make kickass his door
Not to beat others on this revengeful quest
But on an undefeated fighter across the east to west

Looks looks- they matter most
First impressions always make a difference to us
Look looks- they matter most
Our shallow world can be such a fuss
Looks looks- they matter most
Plastic surgery helps everyone here and there
Looks looks- they matter most
Get so much help with even your teeth and hair
Looks looks- they matter most
Youth overpower everyone with young live spice
Looks looks- they matter most
It’s all humankind where we all pay a price
Looks looks- they matter most
Over level of attractions are based on firsts
Looks looks- they matter most
Most of our world isn’t heavenly cursed

No photo is as good as seeing the real true ting
But sometimes they give you a dynamic, warm kind of feeling
A child smiling, a beautiful rose or no matter what it may be
Can be so powerful, that it makes you feel totally free
The next strong image you want to hold really tight
Go get a camera, cuz forever it’ll be something out of sight
Share your beauty with many, guaranteed you’ll get some back
So much is out there- whether it’s green, red, blue or black

I pose for the cam and sparkle with glam
I do every pose and shine among the damn
I put out my smiles and flirt with my eyes
I want to be fantasy for all of the guys
With my lips all cherried and all bumped
Hair smoothed nice and my chest real pumped
Once a queen of the school and now a big star
With every luxury there is like my own home and car
I’m loved by millions and stalked by fans
I’m on all the bulletins Coke & Pepsi cans
All from the genes of my mom and dad
Who gave me looks and height that’s specially rad
A model I am and forever will be
Catwalks, clothes and great hair is my cup of tea

What’s beauty?
Beauty is not that perfect body or face
Nor that shape of that woman in lace
It’s a genuine smile you long to melt in
Or the way your child can stylishly grin
It can be in a painting you’ve had for years
Or the smell of victory in all of your cheers
It can wash in your nose when at the beach
Or the masterful ways how professors can teach
It can be a flash you looked at over many a time
Or the hill you found no one dare to climb
It can be that outfit you wore countless throughout
Or the various positions of assorted shaped snout
It could be the style of your own decorative pad
Or realizing the truth that its others that are mad
It’s the routine procedures you wake up to everyday
Or the madness of sixth sense you take time to play
Its comes in odd shapes leaving a permanent vision
Gazing at your past to what may have been a collision
Today it is known you love beauty as your guide
Nothing is ugly because you seek nothing to hide

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