Friday, September 24, 2010
The Brains
You always wonder if the brain
They got was wasted
Tormented with the life of the
Sinful world
Crushed daily with an empty
Soul of death
Again, you ask is this for me
Or for them
I keep telling them it is for you
To grow huge
Into a field instead of a small
Seed squished
Then it always comes back to
The thought
That brain thinking of something
More than me
The world gets confused when
I’m awake
They see me and get lost
About love
A person who is loving and
This experience of goodness
They feel is unheard of
One who will listen and not
Belittle them
A walking teardrop with emotions
Like waves
How could I hear their
Feelings. It’s impossible. How am I
to know she has terrible PMS
cramps, her husband abuses her on
a daily basis, she got mobbed
by a gang, she lost her only
pet or that she is fighting with
neighbors. I can’t read any neon
sign over her head. I don’t blame
her anger towards me nor the TNT
she’s holding in. It may not be
any of those. It could be anything.
I have those same days. I may
not let the steam coming out of
my ears so obvious but I
have those days. Difference is I
cry like a weeping monster
behind closed doors. Together
we know its just one of those
days and don’t get a field
of guns proving that they
all need discipline or payback.
Old Truck
How many tires have sighted your frame
Your sickly condition only age can blame
Varieties of age have seen those seats
States you’ve wandered maybe even foreign meets
Advanced watching others you jealously do ponder
Thirsty for gas you rustily sit and squander
Fresh off the line a new smell so nice once
Were you used in a movie doing good old stunts
Passing the old truck you imagine its past
Amount of time spent there and how long it’ll last
One Language
A button on the moon matters little on earth
Our commonality in language is always given at birth
Its not in our speaking but our wave and our smile
Tune out the operator and give promising dial
We’re not under fire or deep under waves of blue
We’re defrosting from freeze and cooling off from untrue
Languages of walls we all have thick heavy accents
With these diversions we all hide in our tents
In the very top and bottom we all breathe the same air
No supreme language exists- this attempt I do not dare
Other Cars
The freeway of thousands of cars
Your focused mind frame is within yellow bars
Windows down windows up- bugs smeared through
Other drivers focus- I have no worldly clue
Where they going in time I ponder in hymm
Are they heading to laughter or towards saddening dim
Vehicles alone whispers little to ones personal mode
Can’t predict how far they’ve gone or distance they rode
Radio on radio off- volume up volume down
Some are ridiculous with the mid finger and frown
Scared I am when a terrible accident is forward
Or the unbuckled children who are playing aboard
Around that corner fears an animal real grand
Or a driver hitting me- my car and I would be canned
Every road I’m cautious and attentively alert
I’ll always pull over to prevent accidents of hurt
A loud gush of wind comes
to hear our most inner
They keep going most of the
time but they leave traces
They knock over limbs, leaves,
lean bushes towards the
I keep telling mine hoping
that they’ll keep going with
the wind
A Poets Dream
She touched so many with her strong words
At events, charities and schools of the sort
Spreading the wisdom by reaching the herds
Sharing she does and not at all does she hort
You may call it hard work or you may call it a gift
Her ability goes beyond those who may do
Only staying at neutral and never moving with shift
Struggling to capture pain, sadness or blue
Or even a moment neither you and I thought
And embracing the way it touches you deep
But days spent long where we sought and fought
The very last time line leaves you to weep
Or making you think in a brand new light
Waking up early to enjoy each hour of the day
Confused you aren’t, you have this new might
Pondering the madness you once display
Art in my eyes
Any new image is art to my eyes
Anyone seeing ugliness lives terrible lies
It starts as early as when I first wake
Blankets and pillows so colorfully do take
Driving to work the sun complimenting all
To the light t-shirt along with my new shawl
Thousands of sculptures peoples images can form
Even my dinner food is art drawing up storm
No need to buy art I get it free everyday
In the weather, the people and common relay
Beauty there
The beauty of beauty
Is that its always there-
Down to your skin
And spotted underwear
Bench lady
Here she goes rambling
on again
Boasting how she’s in
favor with the world
Somehow there’s a jerk
in her arm that only
I notice
Maybe others notice-
they’re distracted
by her wish wash talk
She goes back to her
bench and reads
I want to see her
laugh so bad
I can’t help but wonder
if living alone drove
her crazy or
if we’re the fools
We come in with eyes
We leave with eyes
In between our eyes are
Love captures us with our eyes
With that there’s no open and shut cases we
We hesitate in dreams and sleep or turn around- we
We’re not perfect when we have our eyes
Shut, open or when we blink
Brain use
Cells get lost
and mismatched
Out of the bloodstream
somewhere catched
Lazy cell brain the
Alzheimer’s peaked
Overworked with knowledge
the wheels have tweaked
Do some have more
do some have few
Of cell brain matter
unwrapped with no single clue
Behind the intellectual B.S.
Of pretending to be
Dumb was a
Mask of many masks laying
Off in layers like
An onion of
Childhood to adult with a
Lot of tears when
Cutting real close
Asking for my pain is a
tough decision
I want absolutely the highest
amount I can take
Wearing a painful body box
all those years
I took off the box and now
have the candles
The good smelling candles that
bring rose scent
The big candles that light up
the soul
The candles that turn to
different colors
They’ll burn away the pain
I dug too deep
When the big candle dies down
I’ll be refreshed
Cheetahs Pace
When you take a man down so
Low that he no longer can
Consider himself human that’s
When he’ll walk absolutely nowhere
You may have proved your
point that he is this or that
And he’ll never amount to much
No one has told you that
Your mouth is too much
Going at a cheetahs pace
Move it to a turtles with the
Softness of a silky smooth scarf
Pain can be degrading when
The only feedback you get back
Is the fist, boot or the glass
My advice is look in the mirror
Before crossing canoes
Chemo cookie
Bald as an eagle we both flew to new heights
Each exhausting IV was taken with huge bites
Head so soft I saved on conditioner and shampoo
The bed was my teddy bear we stuck like glue
Crunchy bran flake of cereal I never wanted to be crunched
I hope from my break that others won’t be munched
to beg, to cheat, to steal, to lie
never gets you far and you always cry
try to grow up and learn real fast
that getting away with a lot is a thing of the past
you going to jail is getting pretty old
so quit turning things around and making them mold
i love and care for you, crime is no life
this is something serious, you have to deciphe
sensing the no good on
the back of my neck
I ran till my mind
jogged up defensive
traps of what
needed to be
done- the
cowards worked in herds
as I am completely
alone to defend myself
pain of flesh never
ignites the minds’
trap of absurdity
seen in them
Deed for them
Pages turning rapidly
Eyes wear with every new page
Every chapter magnificent
You lived the pages
You wrote the plot
You were the answer for them
Indeed the deed had many forms
Complete is the story
Happy endings exist over again
Deciding to cut my own trunk
down- grow fatter roots
that is the veins of mine
Let my moss attract others
attaching them to my bark-
move my limbs to many other
different trees
Without sorrow I’ll surgically
move my trunk- We all need
to deforest ourselves and be
for everyone like the ocean moss
Did I thank you?
My sense of indebt ness flows all throughout
Not doing so has only been a spell of dry drought
A rainbow of forgets clouds my fog sense
Under my skin shouts a watering call of pretense
This belly of flame must surpass gallstones of marbles
In the seat of my bus rang the loud sounds of bar bells
Punishing my disability of tormenting sad crime
In my mouth of fury tastes an acid of lime
I can’t even begin- there’s just so much to say
Just as I was lost then soon you’d lead the way
I bow down to your genius giving many thanks
Up high you do score in this BS set of ranks
Passing other vehicles- you wonder where
they’re going, how long they’ve
drove already, are they late, they listening to
music, are they at all tired, they eating, they drinking,
chewing gum, they ever been in a car accident,
their back or legs hurt or not, is it a nice
vehicle to them or do they want another, do
they enjoy driving, they happy, they sad, who
are their passengers, what has been their top
speed, did they ever have a DUI, do they talk
to themselves, when they flip me off- do they
think they’ll get anywhere, do they smoke in
their car, have they ever hit an animal and most
of all, are they also excited about their destination
Driving Mind
Moving in my car I sense
The world through
My window by
Passing other
Cars and
Who I wonder
If they’re okay and enjoying the beautiful day
We’re having, but also if they
Seen me
Look at them real
Quick. Do they like what
They seen in that brief and
Quick look. Is it me or did they
Seem a little weird. I want to
Pass but I can’t see in
Front of me but just
A titanic sized
Rig and
Five cars behind
Me. What’d I eat earlier
Because I feel hungry all of
A sudden. The world seems more
Clearer in
My car because I
Think about every detail
Ten fold with hope, joy, sadness
Happiness and every sensory top alert.
Many are homeless with no home or food
Child abusing parents have a tempered constant mood
Guns around the world are used all the time
Mother Nature works forces leaving families not a dime
Races struggling with identity and understanding culture
Territory and product control leaves countries as a hungry vulture
Religions seek and poke to find the inner truth
Politicians winning elections by getting voters behind the booth
Populations are rising many are really closed packed
Crops of foods are grown then tightly sealed and packed
Education will stand to be the toughest fight
Understanding everything above will give you strong insight
when he wants so badly to be
like everyone else
you wish there was a way
to turn off their insecurities,
anger, sadness, loneliness and
painful emptiness
you try to help them but it
becomes too exhausting and
stepping back you realize
you’ve helped them this far
now, the rest is up to them
there’s just this overshadowing
empathy saying you’ll try your
hardest for your loved ones
you’ll continue to carry the
weight of what could I
have done to help them
when you did nothing at all
that’s when the emptiness sores
turn to permanent scars
Energy low
You move at a slug slow pace beyond weak
Imagining no bones popping when you move or leak
Your back is shattered you’re a glass of broken charms
A battle is moving but you try for the waking alarms
Tumbling is necessary so I can live on energy low
Thanking any movement because any paralysis is a woe
First Summer Breeze
Exhaling pours of sweat
For long endless weeks
Magnetically repulsive with
Sticky shoes and clothes
Heaven entering the soul again
First breeze in a long time
Blankets turn silky soft once more
Mattress hugging every inch
Dancing in bed never so perfect
Cool breeze massaging all tranquility
The minute I turned that page
I never went back- no re-
reading, copying for later
or book marking it. It was
my block preventing me
from moving on to new
adventures and better stories
I could have burnt it, shredded
it or threw it away but instead
I made it into an airplane-
yes, a paper airplane and let
it fly giving freedom that should
have flown years ago
Down to rocks that look like
candy on the ground
The wrinkles in the uncomfortable
The tiny weeds with the irresistible
rainier cherry red
Baby hair with all the food
of the day
First time at the new diner
The woman you thought you were
meant to be with
The billionth color with the pattern
you never could create
The show of reruns you thought
you’d never see again
The bowling shoes you don’t
want to be seen in
Or the very reason why you
could laugh hysterically
It’s your soul that was once trillions
of miles away but now it’s the moon,
sun, and the entire galaxy right in
your heart
a past without any
insight of what you’ve
done wrong vs. what
you’ve done right is
a glimpse to an unlit
sense of reality or
a sad future
Would you even recognize
a hero if they came to
you? They’re not in some
flashy outfit. But you’ve
probably let tons come to sweep
you off your feet and rescue
you but you’ve been distracted
by trains colliding, planes
flying over the clouds or the
cars congesting your thoughts.
They’re out there. The heroes.
Trained to help special ways
for various needs. Even the
wind can find them but you
closed the doors to heroes and
never knew. But now. You know
who they are. Those you met already.
moments come, moments go
moments fly, moments slow
time is precious, do not waste
touch, feel everything-- live and taste
hours, minutes, seconds-- always fly so fast
don’t wait long, yesterday already passed
Hurt Core
Bullets in the head
Stab wounds on the arm
Bomb cut the legs off
Organs giving up function
Senses dimmer
Heart murmuring
Veins uncalculating
Yet we still go on proving
pain is minimal when
love suffocated
us ten fold
I am
I’m not an originator of animals and mankind
I’m not the end of violence or inventors of find
I’m not the sickness or the accidents of death
I’m not your doctor who can save your next breath
I’m not the religion knocking at your front door
I’m not the reason you’re a thief, murderer or underscore
I am your girlfriend who will love you for all days
I am your sister who listens carefully and prays
I am your daughter you taught wrong vs. right
I am your neighbor wanting us to be tight
I am your voice- conscious with full of sense
I am your everybody holding up no picket fence
I’ll never get it
You can never prepare for the worse
Your head will swell and just want to curse
Alls upside down and you can’t comprehend
No matter what they say they’ll never understand
A tear you will find and eventually feel weak
Until you grasp the concept that everything’s Greek
You can keep asking where all went wrong
You’ll just waste time becuz it takes too damn long
If I could
If I could I’d take your bad memories away
Throw them in some gutter or under a dusty tray
If I could I’d smother your pain with a 1000 pillows
Lift up your spirits with colored daisies and willows
If I could I’d drown your poisonous past foes
Stomp away their veins of inhumane down lows
If I could I’d buy you your every desirable want
Torture those in war path that questionably taunt
If I could I’d melt your depression with cheesy sauce
Bring an entourage of lieutenants saying you’re the boss
If I could I’d force happy ducks on your tail
Keeping negative birds away from your hail
If I could stop time
Nowhere on earth can you stop time still
Imagining so is just an incredible thrill
If I could do it I’d only want one long day
Everything frozen and people don’t move but stay
I’d touch lots of men and compare human form
Hit lots of banks I’m the Florida hurricane storm
I’d prepare early and egg others for small laughs
Bang a few women on the back of their calves
To help the sick I’d take pharmacy meds
Take lots of clothes- white, tan and bright reds
Enjoy every CD and stuffing all in my car
Figure out a way of trashing every sleazy bar
There’s so much to do in my one day frozen solo
I do not seek fame, power or the strength of a pro
Just a day to myself and floating on every big cloud
Nothings at discretion and everything possible allowed
I’m not an image you can see or feel
I’m not an image you can smell or grow
I’m in your mind reoccurring in thought
I never once slept or disappeared to go
I’ve been here and only came when heated
When you thought of me I occurred in a cell
I came up in air and appeared as if I was alive
Knowing you were there imagining me
Reproducing more and more cells of me
I’m now everywhere with every past alive
Envisioned I’ll stay and keeping your smiles
Staying with me and never leaving my mind
In a pretty big group you look
around others just to capture the
The chain of command clearly
represented right away
So it seemed
After hours of delegating the
gentleman in the corner speaks
everyone agrees to his suggestions
wishing he spoke sooner
Now that’s impressive
a terrible judge of anything
windows would break at night
came every night and day
no where could the glass be
but a short distance and
not break
it shattered to pieces that
walking by became too
careful with an old bike
wilderness called out
to leave society
since then glass became
the judges who do
terrible things
now its more about plastic
aluminum and paper
judge accordingly
Knick Knack Life
Let me free let me be myself
Or sit I’ll stay right on the shelf
Like a knick knack no one will see
Until someone new comes looking at me
Dust will gather and I’ll be gone
Away from your thoughts like yesterdays dawn
You barely notice when I am around
Lost one I am, never to be found
I envy little except those real few
Who knows where they’re going and know what to do
Laughing ride
As you go on miserable trips you
Remember your back pains
Your tiredness from driving forever
The scenery of the ever land world
The condition of your vehicle
The cars you’ve rode in
But you often forget
The rides where you just
Talked and laughed letting
Stress, fatigues or emptiness
Boggle up to wasted
Energy when all of it
Should have been for
Innocent laughter on
The ride to life
Man vs. Themselves
Our own war is the war with our self
Cycles we go through looking bored at a shelf
Fearing the true love you should be with
Fathoming the stories of enchanting myth
Drumming some sense from TV or work
Scaring the neighbor some devishly lurk
Watering the lips to sip kool-aid sticks
Beauty queens crushing even small little chicks
I shelter myself from this very big earth
Millions die and every second a birth
I lose sense of time and get really intense
Trying to grasp everything that often makes no sense
Met Gray
Black met white
made gray
Man met woman
made child
Woman met woman
made friendship
Man met animal
made food chains
Man met fire
made flames
Man met nature
made growth
Love met Hate
made war
We all met fate
made gray
Mighty one
As if to say bow down you serpent
it was only the mighty one who
looked a fool
Riding on a high horse but
only sillier waving to everyone
not paying attention to the path
ahead of him where he hit
his head, fell and broke his
neck for three years
Those he looked down on when mighty
on the horse he now looks up to them
to take care of him and feed him
With a change of heart with his
past arrogance he bowed down to
no one or looked down to no one
The new mighty ones on the horses
expected him to come back full
force with brute
But he never could. He fled to the mountains
wearing steel plated armor
and a new identity
remember me when I was alive
forget me when I am the jive
remember me when I am dead
forget me when I turn real red
think of me yesterday and tomorrow
ten minutes from now I’ll lose you in sorrow
i could not read i could not fight
everything was an aching bite
i turned my hurt into anger
i never meant to go and hang her
that picture of mine was for me to keep
remain it stays for all to weep
My own place
I go to my place counting to ten backwards
Away from my body amongst animal herds
Above the clouds as if I was a huge jet
Or as a bald eagle desiring any household mouse pet
Transforming to anything its my only true get away
I’m my own boss doing whatever I may
Psyching myself out I can go over the extreme
Conjuring up weird things many never would dream
Five headed friends or a horny weird snowman
Coming to my head meetings like one happy clan
In my own place I’m my own island of luxury
No bills, no kids, no spouse, no job no nothing I’m free
My silent moment
A sincere smile can make a day
You sit there to the past you go
Flying over your own clouds of dust
Seeping the joy of fresh in a moment
Turning to your left you smile to flirt
Floating in the air grows a butterfly
Every sound echoes from silence
Musk smells turn to roses of flesh
Your breathing again to no avail
Cracking a laugh at all of your past
Nice Drive
a moment lifted with a smile
together they laugh talking for awhile
recent events have brought them closer
revving their engines and cranking their motor
ten miles an hour they see all the beauty
escaping from stress, having fun! running free!
life’s just as good as you really think
things happen fast- even quicker than a blink
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